Wednesday 7 November 2018

Virtual Symposium XXIV…In Which Ginger Gives Thanks

(Yes, yes, I’m certain you’d rather me be giving you something else, but THAT’S not the topic for the Virtual Symposium, IS IT.)And so here we are, the holiday season upon us already, clearance_ Dedra:Im 17 now and I started hanging around some guys again and I was hoping I had changed or smth and they [...]

I felt like this girl thinks i am creepy so I kept looking at the damm floor lol.
(6 November 2018)

Love is not going from relationship to relationship, you have to make things right the first time. Why do people get married and divorced?
(6 November 2018)

Where is your brain before the marriage?
(6 November 2018)

Would you allow your girlfriend to be a cheerleader for the nfl?
(5 November 2018)

Guys that have girlfriends would you be okay with them cheering for the nfl why or why not ?
(5 November 2018)

My boyfriend seems to have a problem with me trying out for The nfl cheer team closest to me because of the uniforms and what he thinks about the whole thing.
(5 November 2018)

Why is Family Guy popular?
(5 November 2018)

Can we ask my wifes mother to move out. Or should we move?
(5 November 2018)

But since then our marriage feels the weight of her dramas.
(5 November 2018)

It would cost us 6 months saving to do it again for 3rd time in 2 years In the beginning she helped us.
(5 November 2018)

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