Thursday 6 December 2018

A very short list

There are many things that I love about women. To list them all would take months. Today I am goin g to share a few lesser appreciated parts.1. A lovely set of ears [image]2. A graceful neck[image2]_ Audry:Recently this girl happen to strike his attention and for a moment he seemed intreasted and i thought i [...]

I told her a joke I knew she wouldn't get and nearly died laughing.
(4 December 2018)

She always finds many ways to touch my hand or something and sit by me.
(4 December 2018)

We're best friends and I totally like her.
(4 December 2018)

Her 3 year old can sleep better she feels bad that her daughter can be in the dark better than she can.
(4 December 2018)

Most nights she sleeps with the tv on I don't see how she can.
(4 December 2018)

My girlfriend is scared of the dark she's got a nightlight and a glow in the dark charger also the hallway light is kept on.
(4 December 2018)

Cant stop thinking about my ex?
(4 December 2018)

How do I stop being jealous of my best friend having other friends?
(4 December 2018)

It s kind of hard to explain, but there are one or two people who will come up to us and start off with talking to both of us, but slowly shift to talking only to her and ultimately walking away with her, thus ditching me.
(4 December 2018)

I don t think I m super possessive or clingy either because I do have other friends and I m perfectly fine if she spends time with others without me, but ultimately she is my best friend.
(4 December 2018)

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