Tuesday 4 December 2018

For the Realz

.[image].”If cash comes with fame, come fame; if cash comes without fame, come cash.” - Jack LondonThe photographer Nat Finkelstein claims credit for the phrase, “15 minutes of fame.” He was photograp_ Glinda:Feel very depressed lately and down.(29 November 2018) Isis:How to glow up?(29 November 2018) Isis:Please list steps on how to become attractive.(29 November 2018) Latanya:Was be being [...]

I m just really worried about what will happen when that money runs out but she s the type of person you can t really tell anything too because she s rather cut people out of her life for disagreeing with her choices than hear anyones concerns.
(3 December 2018)

She s tried selling things, learning coding without actually taking real classes, making things, signing up for waitr to deliver food... but none of it is really a decent amount to live off of and she s anti government.
(3 December 2018)

Her excuse for not working was that she wanted to stay home and homeschool her son, who had behavior issues at school.
(3 December 2018)

After he passed, she got about 20k in life insurance.
(3 December 2018)

She s never had a real-real job.
(3 December 2018)

A friend of mine recently lost her dad.
(3 December 2018)

Why do people have such a problem with me missing a woman that i love dearly and the song that reminds me of her?
(3 December 2018)

People think its creepy that i want to go to her hometown in viet nam and find someone like her.
(3 December 2018)

I tell people the song missing you by john waite reminds me of her and people thought it was creepy.
(3 December 2018)

All i ever want is to see her more often by moving to Houston since she has a lot of shows there and people have a problem with that.
(3 December 2018)

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