Sunday 30 December 2018

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It happened up in Lake Erie we were there this past summer.
(30 December 2018)

She went to the store by herself she walked away with a man and was never seen again until her body was found a year later.
(30 December 2018)

I was watching a show about a 10 year old girl who went missing from here in Ohio over 30 years ago.
(30 December 2018)

Me and my husband are having a baby boy in April I'm excited also scared.
(30 December 2018)

I'm unbelievably angry that my first experiences were unwanted. How do I get over this?
(30 December 2018)

I'm unbelievably jealous of my friends that had their first sexual experiences with boyfriends, and hot guys from a party and mine were with a cousin, then an obese stranger.
(30 December 2018)

But now, I'm just extremely angry.
(30 December 2018)

Of course I went through my depressed PTSD phase.
(30 December 2018)

I was molested when I was 10, then raped at 14 by a 55 year old man.
(30 December 2018)

I have a wonderful, kind, extremely attractive boyfriend who I have a healthy and consensual sex life with.
(30 December 2018)

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