Monday 31 December 2018

It Is Cold Outside

It was snowing when I woke up. I could tell by looking at a roof across the street that there wasn’t much and it was blowing. It was still 8 degrees when I had my first cig. I had almost gotten used t_ Rochelle:From what I said what do you think she thought?(31 December 2018) Rochelle:Idk if [...]

He calls me pet names and today he told me that he misses me.
(31 December 2018)

We messaged each other for about three days and then exchanged numbers about 3 days ago.
(31 December 2018)

So I just started talking to someone on a dating site.
(31 December 2018)

My grandmother gave me a gift certificate for Christmas?
(31 December 2018)

She said that every girl should have naked pictures of themselves when they are young so they can show them when they are old.
(31 December 2018)

She wants me to go and have myself photographed nude.
(31 December 2018)

Its for a photography studio that she knows.
(31 December 2018)

Is this weird or wrong of her?
(31 December 2018)

Did I do the right thing by sending her money?
(31 December 2018)

I can sense that she was kinda blaming me since she hasn't contacted me ever since.... so I sent her 20 dollars on cash app right now.
(31 December 2018)

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