Saturday 29 December 2018

plumty and crumpty dumpty

Like Humpty dumpty on the wallwe fell downour story fell downBroken cracked shells splattered across the waytainted greyAnd nothing okWell not the spiecal bus called usSometimes planets alignAnd moons_ Carleen:My wife has been waking up the past few days saying her stomach hurts she did eat a lot of candy and stuff this week but usually [...]

Is it wrong to have a crush on someone?
(29 December 2018)

Also do you have to REALLY know a girl well then ask her out like it's some kind of memory test?
(29 December 2018)

Should I go up and talk to her or pretend shes not there like that Zombies song.
(29 December 2018)

What if I see a girl 2 feet in front of me when I'm at the gym?
(29 December 2018)

But at the same time does asking a girl out automatically mean you're desperate?
(29 December 2018)

I told myself I might get rejected and it's not a big deal.
(29 December 2018)

But just yesterday there was a girl I liked at work who I've been talking to every time we pass by each other so I took the courage and asked her out.
(29 December 2018)

I've been ignoring my problems most of the time thinking they'll just disappear but every day they never do.
(29 December 2018)

I'm kind of unsocial so most of the time I've just been waiting to see if things would just randomly happen on their own without doing anything.
(29 December 2018)

So I'm 25 and I workout and have a job but all my life I've never talked to girls or people.
(29 December 2018)

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