Saturday 1 December 2018

What did I miss??? Basically the whole profile.

Me and VRYSENSUL Quick ViewMeAuto-reply message:Are you certain you read the whole profile? Because I’ll know if you did or not.11/23/2016 9:07 amVRYSENSULYes I did read your profile Joe11/23/2016 9:_ Rosa:My mother ruins Christmas every year by rubbing it in my nose that my Dad and his wife won’t see me. How do I cope with [...]

She keeps calling as No Caller ID and showed up to my house not too long ago - I didn't answer.
(30 November 2018)

I deleted and blocked her off on everything.
(30 November 2018)

All i asked was honesty from her regardless of the situation.
(30 November 2018)

He moved to a diff state, but that doesn't matter.
(30 November 2018)

She was in contact with her ex the entire time and i saw it by snooping her phone.
(30 November 2018)

I just broke up with my gf over email today and i'll explain why. she didn't deserve a phone, or face to face explanation of why.
(30 November 2018)

Thanks for taking the time to read.. Long story short.
(30 November 2018)

Why does my mom keep being annoying ?and how do i stop it?
(30 November 2018)

She keeps asking if i am ok because i have lost a bunch of weight.
(30 November 2018)

Am I in the wrong for asking my Mother not to smoke in the car with me and my kid's?
(30 November 2018)

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