Wednesday 5 December 2018

When We Kiss

When We Kissscott6250When the moon is full and brightdeep into the sultry night and Itake you into my arms so I can holdyou tight my heart flutters withwondrous joy and when we sharethat first fiery a_ Zita:I’ve spent time with him about 7 to 8 times.(30 November 2018) Zita:Im hurt because I feel like a total d… [...]

I'm 5'7 with small hands and feet, yet I tend to satisfy all the women I slept with. (its big) I love to suprise them lol.
(4 December 2018)

If I tell my gf it's over she comes to my house but if I just leave her to think we're together when we're not it makes it alot easier?
(4 December 2018)

How beautiful is to be cold and have the person you love that comes and warms you up?
(4 December 2018)

He keeps on warming you up until you stop shivering.
(4 December 2018)

You look at him with dreamy eyes cause you're in his arms and you love him so much.
(4 December 2018)

You've been under the rain in the night.
(4 December 2018)

Why do women demand endless courtship and romance!!!?
(4 December 2018)

Always, at her side when she is feeling down.
(4 December 2018)

Im always there for her when she is in need.
(4 December 2018)

I show my love for her by my physical presence, by my loyalty.
(4 December 2018)

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