Tuesday 22 January 2019

Prepubescent girls naked

No consider about the age, boys in our home get whipping bare, but not so often we get punished, of cause not one of us boys get nude whipping at least for last three years except a thrashing by hands on clothes or a scolding. Being spanked in public by his father while a bunch […]

We don't but he told me to contact him when I'm ready to leave.
(16 January 2019)

She said that if I left that she would cut all contact and that I'm not one of her kids anymore if I disobeyed her.
(16 January 2019)

She has always been very manipulative and abusive because she wants me to stay to take care of her 4 other kids despite the father living with her too.
(16 January 2019)

She then tried to tell my siblings that I was leaving because I didn't care about them.
(16 January 2019)

To sum up the situation: I am 19 and I plan to move in with my boyfriend to Texas due to my abusive household and I told my mother in advance so I wouldn't leave her in the dark.
(16 January 2019)

Just a little confused why the question was brought up.
(16 January 2019)

Why I picked her over her sister?
(16 January 2019)

We hung out for hours having a good time and she asked out of the blue.
(16 January 2019)

I've known her and her family for a while and I asked her to come over.
(16 January 2019)

Will she flake again?
(16 January 2019)

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