Sunday 10 February 2019

A Bunny Promise

Promises_ Jacquelin:He then said he would come back to say goodbye but he never did.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:And he was kind of shy and answered a little.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:I talked to him, asked how he was doing, etc.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:Today, out of the blue he visited me again and we hugged.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:He came to visit me [...]

He does not eat, does not want to go to school, does not wants to complete home work, or behaves badly, I try to limit his time on mobile and etc., and I have to be strict with him to discipline him.
(4 February 2019)

However. since he is with me 5-6 days of a week, responsibility of his education and to discipline him lie with me.
(4 February 2019)

We finally reached a settlement for me to have full custody & my ex-wife to get visitation during weekends.
(4 February 2019)

So, I divorced my wife and sought full custody of my 4.5 year old son in court.
(4 February 2019)

Is it me overreacting?
(4 February 2019)

I was cuddling my dad one morning when I was like 14 or 15 bc at the time we all shared a bed (homeless at the time) and my little brother went to school and I'm older so I dont go till later.
(4 February 2019)

I was pretty in High school.But nobody ever invited me to a single party.I was ostracised.I was poor and an A grade student at a wealthy?
(4 February 2019)

I get hit up for casual sex a lot? And I do not want to have sex outside of a relationship?
(4 February 2019)

Why does this happen if you were to guess?
(4 February 2019)

Is it okay to reach out to my ex again?
(4 February 2019)

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