Friday 22 February 2019

Anticipation ….

Anticipation of what’s to come next ….thank goodness this is my last work day before many days off!!! Wooooi hooooo!_ Raelene:Another time we crossed paths and said hi to each other and then locked his eyes with mine and then stared at my lips a little bit.(20 February 2019) Raelene:When I looked at him he turned away.(20 [...]

Where I work now I have my own area at work and don't work with many people.
(18 February 2019)

I used to do retail and gone out with some co workers a few times for drinks but never got close.
(18 February 2019)

I've been with the compamy for 2 years now and I don't care to make friends from work.
(18 February 2019)

I tried to see if I could be cool with a co worker and found out later he spread rumors about me.
(18 February 2019)

My boyfriend is going through a difficult time. I don't know how to end the relationship?
(18 February 2019)

I just feel like a bad person but I am very unhappy.
(18 February 2019)

I don't know if I can continue in the relationship between this as well as that he treats me like a little kid, calling me offensive names that I don't like.
(18 February 2019)

I asked multiple times to come see him and he tells me no.
(18 February 2019)

He was gone the past few weeks, about an hour away, helping out his dad.
(18 February 2019)

I have been doing everything I can to support and help my boyfriend.
(18 February 2019)

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