Friday 15 February 2019

Bell- Lets talk day in canada is today

It is a countrywide fundraising day for mental health. if you text or tweet or watch videos on their facebook page then Bell will give money to their cause.Mental health is a huge issue in the world n_ Krista:How do I gain enough confidence to tell the kids in my class to be quiet without offending [...]

Hes treated me perfectly up until now.
(8 February 2019)

I stopped seeing the therapist because this whole ordeal even though he told me I should try it if I want to, that I shouldn't stop because of what he did.
(8 February 2019)

He has been doing everything to earn my trust back which is why I'm staying.
(8 February 2019)

I used to be confident about how I wanted to marry him now I'm not sure what I want.
(8 February 2019)

I love him but I doubt his character right now.
(8 February 2019)

This is the only time he has cheated on me in our relationship.
(8 February 2019)

His plan for us is to get married.
(8 February 2019)

He has been apologizing last month.
(8 February 2019)

He was mad all day about how I decided to go see a therapist instead of confining to him with my issues.
(8 February 2019)

He said it's not an excuse he did the wrong thing.
(8 February 2019)

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