Saturday 16 February 2019

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His black muscular arm was holding her tightly against him while his other arm draped down her side with his hand holding her bottom. Star Magazine, Khloe Kardashian and Lamar are on the verge of getting divorced. Her mother then placed her arms around the African beside her and gave him a long french kiss […]

I know there's a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I'm different.
(9 February 2019)

I have been barefoot since I got home from work last night and did not want to have to put shoes on for a quick drive since I did not have to go in anyplace and it was very comfortable driving barefoot.
(9 February 2019)

Since it was warm out and I did not have to go into the drug store and came right back home I just drove barefoot and did not bring my shoes.
(9 February 2019)

Guy hlp mom mine think me gay?
(9 February 2019)

What does Hott Gurl vagina feel like?
(9 February 2019)

I'm talking about the yahoo username Hott Gurl.
(9 February 2019)

Is it fair for my 17 year old son and 11 year old daughter to have the same bedtime?
(9 February 2019)

My 17 year old constantly argues on how unfair this is.
(9 February 2019)

They also need to give me the phone around 9:30 before they go to bed.
(9 February 2019)

My 17 year old son and 11 year old daughter have the same bedtime which is 10 on school days.
(9 February 2019)

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