Wednesday 13 February 2019

Blathering Fools…

those who drive like idiots, walk like morons, smoke like chimneys and those who want to protect the status-quo by mouthing off, creating fictions as fact and demonising others who believe all they ar_ Adele:I find that disrespectful to the victims on this show a couple were 10 year old kids one of them actually died.(7 [...]

I haven't so I probably am missing a few bolts in the social interaction toolkit even if i have beneifical intentions.
(6 February 2019)

What happens if you fall in love with a man but your hideous and the woman he was previously with is stunning?
(6 February 2019)

What's your imput on this situation?
(6 February 2019)

Would you say he lowered his standars and that you are better than the girl he is with now?
(6 February 2019)

How would you as the stunning person feel about your ex dating a hideous person?
(6 February 2019)

How would you as the hideous person feel about this?
(6 February 2019)

Strong sexual desire towards her??????
(6 February 2019)

Ive been lusting for her for the past 8 months that i know her.
(6 February 2019)

But i cant stop thinking about her, i dont know whats happening with me.
(6 February 2019)

I got soo close to this woman, that everyone at work felt as if me and this woman were sleeping together (but we weren't) eventually our supervisors split us up at work, and too avoid drama she deleted me from facebook.
(6 February 2019)

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