Saturday 9 February 2019

By bobpop4u22

I’m here to find the one who wants to entice My grand view of sexual infusions! feel like I’m running around, like a child with grand illusions? With ones who take my dreams of a beautiful conclusions_ Dorie:Do you think its for me too or coincidence?(2 February 2019) Dorie:His hair as he walks past me whenever im [...]

It is very rare to come across a White guy that's open to dating a Black woman.
(2 February 2019)

What should i do in this situation (dating)?
(2 February 2019)

Can having a anger problem make it harder to stay in a romantic relationship with someone?
(2 February 2019)

So do a lot of couples break up or divorce because of one of them having anger problems?
(2 February 2019)

Why does it seem men and their circle of friends usually make the most of their time more than women?
(2 February 2019)

Do you think it's true guys are better friends?
(2 February 2019)

Why is it so hard to find women who want to bond and make memories with.
(2 February 2019)

And all the women I know or known just want to drink wine in their kitchen.
(2 February 2019)

Guys meet up to drink beer, work on cars or play video games or start a podcast.
(2 February 2019)

How do I get motivated to be more productive when everyone around me is always tired?
(2 February 2019)

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