Wednesday 20 February 2019

Can you solve this riddle? no.5

A man comes to a bridge guarded by a warrior. The warrior say’s that to cross the bridge, the man must make a statement: but if the warrior thinks the statement is true, he will cut the man’s heart ou_ Clotilde:However, when I received similar advice (that I was trying to hard which was off-putting and [...]

How do I deal with being treated like I'm not worthy to deserve any family?
(15 February 2019)

My family act like they can hand pick who's related to them, based on looks.
(15 February 2019)

He is 30 and I'm 26. What are his true intentions?
(15 February 2019)

I got this girl, perfect girl she's sexy has a good personality all that and I have been hooking up with her for a couple of months?
(15 February 2019)

Should I just end it completely?
(15 February 2019)

I really don't want to let her go totally because I really do like her but just not like that.
(15 February 2019)

Now I told her from the begenning that I don't do relationships, I'm to selfish for that I like my life and don't want to have to conform for anybody, but she won't let the relationship thing go.
(15 February 2019)

Are you keen on the names Everlast for a boy and Uganda for a girl?
(15 February 2019)

I really like him but I don't know if he is moving too fast and wants something more serious.
(15 February 2019)

But I feel it's too soon to be introduced to his family and I don't want to tell him.
(15 February 2019)

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