Friday 15 February 2019

Country girl sexy

Georgia 30 March San Marino 3 April Then be ready to enjoy the best sexual activity in your life. And every day you use sophistication to make yourself more attractive. Please tell me more of her is coming anonymous wrote Iran Islamic Republic of 24 July So great to see a model smiling and having […]

If I don't text him back right away he says I know your on facetime with others or texting people.
(8 February 2019)

My boyfriend constantly accuses me of talking to other guys which is false.
(8 February 2019)

Should I allow my ex to gf come in and out of my son's life?
(8 February 2019)

Now She's been out of reach for 7 months with no contact, and she calls and saids she wants to get him with no explanation of why she disappeared.
(8 February 2019)

She only comes to see him for 30 minutes then leaves then is gone for several months.
(8 February 2019)

Now I have custody, she doesnt come over to see him or get him or pay any attention to him.
(8 February 2019)

She had custody at first but I got custody beacuse she wasn't being a good mother.
(8 February 2019)

I have a son with my ex girlfriend.
(8 February 2019)

Which is the better body?
(8 February 2019)

Does it seem like a fat body?
(8 February 2019)

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