Saturday 16 February 2019

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They're single and they don't have a boyfriend but they are just with a bunch of guys.
(9 February 2019)

My girlfriend is mad at me for having pictures of my ex wife on Instagram also she found a picture of me and my kids online she's not happy about it.
(9 February 2019)

Please tell me all you know about a Fetus?
(9 February 2019)

Parent trouble..?
(9 February 2019)

Any have any experience of this?
(9 February 2019)

I hadn't even been in my room 1 hour awake.
(9 February 2019)

Now she's in a mood saying i don't care about my stuff and I'm reckless.
(9 February 2019)

By late morning my mother comes up and says that she found my nutcracker with its head broken off.
(9 February 2019)

The nutcracker statue kind of thing that was on my windowsill must have blown out during the nigh and i hadn't noticed. i go up in the middle of the night and shut it.
(9 February 2019)

Last night was a very windy night and i always sleep with my window open.
(9 February 2019)

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