Monday 25 February 2019

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Dad cuddling with teen Daughter!?
(21 February 2019)

Why was it that back in the 90s you didn't hear the tell of 24 hour clocks, Muslims, or other things like that?
(21 February 2019)

Where did all this stuff come from?
(21 February 2019)

The biggest thing that you seen on tv was taco bell, and people making fun of Mexicans and their heritage and culture.
(21 February 2019)

In the 90s, you never had Mexican restaurants like you do today, they did exist but not in large quantities and enforced and pushed by the media.
(21 February 2019)

Even still if they viewed a Muslim couple on tv in the 90s, they were typically making fun of them and their heritage.
(21 February 2019)

In the 90s, women with hijabs were not seen or heard of, and Muslims ans Islam wasn't heard of unless you lived next door to a foreigner.
(21 February 2019)

In the 2000s is when clocks started to be introduced to the general public with the 24 hour time mode.
(21 February 2019)

This is all we average household people were taught and knew.
(21 February 2019)

In the 90s, clocks only were seen running from 1 to 12 am or pm.
(21 February 2019)

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