Wednesday 20 February 2019

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Sometimes, when in my room I can hear a voice saying that I'm stupid Verse 1 So alone, I can hear my thoughts right out the back All em real nigas know where Im at It's a problem worth solving, but know one seems to solve it.
(15 February 2019)

How to quit a smll business?
(15 February 2019)

I feel bad and nervous confronting them (telling them im going to quit) what would be a good excuse that they would understand?
(15 February 2019)

Ive been working for two months but am simply over it.
(15 February 2019)

I am the only employee of the husband and wife that own the place.
(15 February 2019)

I work at a mom and pop pizza shop.
(15 February 2019)

What is hanging out considered?
(15 February 2019)

How many months pregnant am I?
(15 February 2019)

So that's just how the world is now?
(15 February 2019)

I've also seen this unfortunately in real life wherein the good loyal woman gets replaced by an artificial skank.
(15 February 2019)

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