Friday 22 February 2019


Lovely sensual pose!_ Sharilyn:I took two pregnancy tests but they came up negative.(20 February 2019) Georgann:Is this an okay 24th birthday?(20 February 2019) Georgann:Then at night going to the movies and to get a new ear piercing.(20 February 2019) Georgann:Then I am having my first ever professional photoshoot.(20 February 2019) Georgann:I am getting my hair curled and colored, then getting [...]

We met in high school became close best friends.
(18 February 2019)

My best friend which also happen to be my boyfriend known for 6 years we've been dating for 2 years.
(18 February 2019)

We just started dating and he's already talking about having kids is this a red flag?
(18 February 2019)

How do I know if he is gay?
(18 February 2019)

If he is gay I am okay with us just being friends ; I just do not want to offend anyone or say the wrong things.
(18 February 2019)

Besides asking him is there any way to know for sure?
(18 February 2019)

I have not seen him out with anybody - male or female, so I am not sure who he is interested in.
(18 February 2019)

I have started to like him in a different way but many people (including a close friend of his) have told me that he may be gay.
(18 February 2019)

I should say that I am a girl and he is a guy.
(18 February 2019)

But when we do chat we get along great and share a lot of things in common.
(18 February 2019)

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