Friday 8 February 2019

Laidback91686 what an asshat

this guy just could not take a hint. He keep e-mailing all the time wanting to play 1-1 with the female, behind the males back. Finally had to just block him and report him.I just am to tired right no_ Lyn:However, i see him driving 4 different cars and he has a different car every 2 [...]

I want to tell her what she does, but whenever it's the right time, she's all lovey-dovey again, and I don't like being yelled at.
(2 February 2019)

I'm homeschooled, and if I forget to print something off, or the computer deletes something, she yells at me, and she gets Dad to not believe me.
(2 February 2019)

Whenever we're alone, she will give me hugs, even though I'm not a touchy person.
(2 February 2019)

Our nation is suffering under the most damaging crisis we have ever faced in the history of our nation. Why doesn't Trump declared a?
(2 February 2019)

Do you think these two would make a beautiful baby?
(2 February 2019)

My buddy Ahmed from Iraq told me that I should get myself an Arabic girlfriend, but my Lebanese buddy Joe and his mother thinks that's a?
(2 February 2019)

Should I listen to Ahmed, or go based on what Joe, Joe's mom, and Dom said?
(2 February 2019)

Even my Italian buddy Dom told me that Arabic girls are bossy, whinny, and they want you to do everything for them.
(2 February 2019)

Is it fair for my Mom to favor one daughter in law over the other and dislike two of the three daughters in law?
(2 February 2019)

She likes one daughter-in-law, dislikes one, and despises another.
(2 February 2019)

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