Monday 18 February 2019

Long time cummin…

God, it’s been a long time cummin since the last time I got fucked. A few weeks ago I met up with a guy from another dating site. He COULD ACTUALLY HOST! Couldn’t believe it. It was really great. He w_ Elois:I don’t wanna seem jealous or crazy but it bothers me a bit.(15 February 2019) Elois:If [...]

And does is this little white dot a yolk sac?
(13 February 2019)

Has anyone experienced being the same size for two weeks?
(13 February 2019)

Except this time theres a little white dot in the gestational sac. barely distinguishable but there none the less.
(13 February 2019)

I go back in a week later and I once again measure to be 5 weeks.
(13 February 2019)

It was nothing but a black circle.
(13 February 2019)

They measured my gestational sac and it only measured to be 5 weeks.
(13 February 2019)

Okay so I was supposed to be eight weeks going into my first ultrasound.
(13 February 2019)

Was wondering if you wanted to go for a drink sometime?
(13 February 2019)

Then out of the blue he texted saying sorry I haven't be in touch, I've been busy with work and there was a death in the family.
(13 February 2019)

I wasn't too upset as we never met.
(13 February 2019)

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