Thursday 14 February 2019

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Can my daughter watch this movie?
(7 February 2019)

She's watched clips of the movie on YouTube she thinks Roger is hilarious and cute she said when we go to see them she wants to give him a hug.
(7 February 2019)

It's coming out on DVD next week I'm getting it for my wife for Valentines Day along with Queen concert tickets for her and my daughter this will be her first concert.
(7 February 2019)

My daughter is 3 she'll be 4 in April she wants to watch Bohemiam Rhapsody she loves Queen she just wants to watch it because of Roger Taylor she has a crush on him.
(7 February 2019)

Why does she need every guys attention?
(7 February 2019)

She wants attention from married men to men who have girlfriends.
(7 February 2019)

Any time a guy walks in the room, she immediately looks at me and sniggers at me the whole time. and ill ask her whats so funny and she'll say shes laughing at something that happened earlier.
(7 February 2019)

She either bursts out laughing or snigger every time a guy talks to me.
(7 February 2019)

This guy asked me something and she bursts out laughing.
(7 February 2019)

When we are around guys she mocks me and laughs at me for no reason.
(7 February 2019)

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