Sunday 24 February 2019

Nude girls doing it

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My female friend were sitting at a cafe next to each other and she initiated a hug which lasted for a few minutes and then she held my hand for a few minutes.
(20 February 2019)

Is it bad to reach out to an ex with the true intention of just wondering how they are?
(20 February 2019)

I feel like it would be odd and maybe cause problems and that's the last thing I would want.
(20 February 2019)

My boyfriend now said he doesn't want me to be talking to him and I have had no urge to or have even thought about it except I'm just wondering how he is since we haven't talked since I broke up with him.
(20 February 2019)

I also am just wondering how he is?
(20 February 2019)

I genuinely just wonder if he hates me.
(20 February 2019)

I have moved on and am in a truly great place now and have never been happier.
(20 February 2019)

I broke up with him, it's been half a year.
(20 February 2019)

Girls, am I sick for liking this?
(20 February 2019)

When I return, I string up another girl, but I remove the 3 girls' panties so the new girl can watch what she's in for Am I sick for having these kind of fantasies?
(20 February 2019)

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