Wednesday 27 February 2019

¿Te apetece un rasurado íntimo?

Se suele decir que: ¡donde hay pelo hay alegría!, pero me permitiréis que discrepe al menos en cuanto al cuerpo femenino, que es el único que encuentro atractivo, todo sea dicho. Para mi gusto, no_ Joycelyn:Now, not that this is a big deal or anything but when we first met, he mentioned that his ex used [...]

At one point I was able to stop thinking about her for a few days straight, but since I've last met her like a couple months ago it's gotten worse.
(23 February 2019)

About 2 weeks after I met this girl when I was 21, I've been consistently thinking about her for a long time.
(23 February 2019)

What is the difference between males and females?
(23 February 2019)

I feel bad for the boy who's gonna grow up without his mom she had a heart condition too also the flu came along with it they don't know if it was a cardiac arrest or the flu that killed her.
(23 February 2019)

This was her first funeral so she didn't really know what was happening.
(23 February 2019)

I don't know what to tell her because I don't know what they do with unborn babies when the mother dies.
(23 February 2019)

She was expecting a baby in August my daughter knew that she was she kept asking where's the baby or if she already had it which she didn't.
(23 February 2019)

I'm 15 years old and even though I'm Catholic I don't want to go on RE at my school, because we're doing nothing and that's a waste of time?
(23 February 2019)

My parents are forcing me to attend on RE lessons so there's no way they can help me.
(23 February 2019)

Why is law so stupid and I can't decide for myself?
(23 February 2019)

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