Thursday 14 March 2019


At the end of August of last year, my mom was in the hospital for a cellulitis (leg infection) and on IV antibiotics for about a week. She was having a flare of her COPD at the time so the pulmonary d_ Laveta:Every day I tell her that if she doesn’t study she will work at [...]

I once misunderstood a question he asked me and he spoke to me as if I was stupid.
(11 March 2019)

He would ask me questions about my personal life in a serious way.
(11 March 2019)

He would treat me differently in front of other people, but alone would talk to me sternly.
(11 March 2019)

Anyway, I started to distance myself from this person because his words were not matching his actions.
(11 March 2019)

He would even give me compliments on personal things like my hair, my picture is nice, and that I'm talented.
(11 March 2019)

At first it was cute, but then I started to notice strange things like he never shared anything about his personal life with me or in front of me.
(11 March 2019)

So there's this guy at my job who I don't see often, but would flirt with me now and then.
(11 March 2019)

What she said was really petty tho and I think she deserved it.
(11 March 2019)

Since my mother has two friends who are terrible human beings, when I have to see them on Easter how do I not let their presence bother me?
(11 March 2019)

One even sleeps with married men.
(11 March 2019)

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