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How do I get my wife and pet to coexist?
(25 February 2019)

I don't think I could be with that selfish of a person.
(25 February 2019)

But now, I got all these ultimatums, about the squirrel goes, or she goes, blah, blah, blah... Can anybody give me any advice as to help us rectify this so her and the squirrel can coincide together.
(25 February 2019)

I tried to explain that the squirrel probably never had toys, and just wanted to play... So I don't see what the big deal is.
(25 February 2019)

Well, she got all upset... Eventhough, the squirrel was just sitting in there in the crib batting around some of the toys, and didn't even harm the baby.
(25 February 2019)

I guess last night, she went to check on the baby, and the squirrel was in the crib.
(25 February 2019)

I tried to explain that to my wife, but she is flipping out.
(25 February 2019)

Now, I really don't want to have it exterminated, and was thinking of keeping it as a pet.
(25 February 2019)

But after feeding it, it has seemed to take a liking to me.
(25 February 2019)

I finally cornered it, and bit me and scratched me a few times.
(25 February 2019)

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