Wednesday 27 March 2019

Keeping Up with Guy

Well I do not know how many of us are using a FIT program and are keeping up with Guy and his 10,00 steps per day. I do know this - we all will needto be doing 20,000 steps when this day is over:It’s_ Stacie:She is or was pomisous but is now trying to change.(25 March [...]

She found a profile of Mick Mars on Facebook it said he was married she got upset over it she thought he was single he's her favorite him and Nikki but Nikki is married.
(23 March 2019)

My sister is obsessed with Motley Crue she watched their movie on Netflix she already loved them now she's obsessed.
(23 March 2019)

I think he meant that she was waiting on me to make a move.
(23 March 2019)

Also some guy that works there told me that she was waiting on me.
(23 March 2019)

She smiles and is friendly whenever I make eye contact with her.
(23 March 2019)

I've seen her talk to other people and her coworkers and she seems relaxed and normal.
(23 March 2019)

Another time I was talking to her and I asked her a question and she was thinking and then she asked me to repeat my question not even 5 seconds after I said it.
(23 March 2019)

There's some security guard girl that works there and the other day I was talking to her and she seemed kind of nervous and she was clicking her pen kind of fast on her arm.
(23 March 2019)

I'm a laborer and I started working at a hospital a week ago.
(23 March 2019)

Psychology: Why are girls from my past stalking me??
(23 March 2019)

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