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I still think about it everyday and cry a lot.
(25 February 2019)

My friends agreed I should keep it to myself and they wouldn't tell my boyfriend and no one has to find out.
(25 February 2019)

The next day I broke down completely I realized I had made a terrible mistake and I blocked him on every social media and never spoke to him again.
(25 February 2019)

I ended up drinking with friends one night and went over to his place I had made a deal with my friends that they were going to stay with me so nothing happened but they ended up leaving me and we ended up having sex.
(25 February 2019)

Anyway, I started talking to this guy I met at my university and my plan was to break up with my boyfriend for him but I was still unsure deep down if it was what I wanted.
(25 February 2019)

My boyfriend is who I spend most of my time with which is a reason I was staying with him before I cheated.
(25 February 2019)

I have dealt with bullying in the past and have lost many friends along the way.
(25 February 2019)

I have very low self-esteem and have not had good luck with making friends.
(25 February 2019)

At the beginning of the year I met a boy while my boyfriend and I were going through a difficult patch.
(25 February 2019)

We both are from the same hometown but we go to different universities during the school year.
(25 February 2019)

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