Sunday 17 March 2019

My lady the Nymphomaniac

I must say that the last few months have been very very good. As a relationship grows one always hopes that it is not about JUST anything that it is many things. I have been fortunate enough to have_ Ada:When we do talk, we have fun and laugh together, as I am the type of guy [...]

She is always serious with others and never mimic them?
(13 March 2019)

I laughed because the way she did it is the same way my mom mimic my walk. what does it mean?
(13 March 2019)

So she came and told me that she said hi but I walked away then she smiled and started to mimic my walk.
(13 March 2019)

So this woman said hi to me I did not hear her.
(13 March 2019)

She's been taking medicine a lot also going to bed a little earlier she has to get better we have a concert to go to this weekend.
(13 March 2019)

My wife has a cold the last few days she's not real bad she's just coughing a lot and has a soar throat.
(13 March 2019)

Dream an old buddy of mine and I got some beer but he started saying belittlingbthings and I was not welcome to stay at his place?
(13 March 2019)

But I told myself this is the last time.
(13 March 2019)

I couldn't help but think he was not a good friend, but I felt so lonely that I stayed for 1 beer.
(13 March 2019)

I let him stay over so many times and treated newer, but it was never convenientbwhen I wanted to.
(13 March 2019)

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