Tuesday 26 March 2019

Not for the faint at heart

My injury wasn’t fun, but it’s even more difficult to describe. The progression of before-injury, injury and post injury are clockwise from the Left. Yup._ Natalya:I don t mean any of that but I can t stop it.(24 March 2019) Natalya:I started saying something terrible to him but I know I didn t mean it.(24 March 2019) Natalya:Because [...]

Why do guys become confident when i give them attention?
(23 March 2019)

I could just smile at them and all of a sudden they feel like a king.
(23 March 2019)

I notice alot of guys become confident and start dressing better after i give them attention.
(23 March 2019)

All of my friends and people my age a few years and older and younger are all becoming toxic or don't have common sense. I'm almost 14?
(23 March 2019)

Any advice about what to do to find good friends or for Highschool or anything in this paragraph or two?
(23 March 2019)

Even sixth graders are drinking and smoking.
(23 March 2019)

Anyway I am moving to a new highschool and going into Freshman year.
(23 March 2019)

Not even just that they are all becoming toxic and are doing idiotic things and are rude to people and always assume things about everyone.
(23 March 2019)

All of the people my age and a few years above and below are vaping, smoking, or drinking.
(23 March 2019)

Should i ask this girl out at work?
(23 March 2019)

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