Wednesday 27 March 2019

Terrific Thursday’s lovely Ladies (Pics)

It is terrific Thursday once again!!! Here are some pics of hot and sexy ladies for you to enjoy._ Awilda:I tried asking him questions about his feelings towards her but I only ended up getting the same answer; ”I don’t know, I feel like I’m ripped apart into halfs”. I told him I would be there [...]

She flirts wants me close than pushes me away... I see love in her eyes.
(23 March 2019)

She had alot of bad relationships.
(23 March 2019)

When I asked her for a relationship she says shes scared of losing me, scared of getting hurt.
(23 March 2019)

Always har her eyes on me.. She gets super jealous of any woman talking to me.
(23 March 2019)

She seems quiet and shy around me.
(23 March 2019)

She plays love songs in her car with me and at her home.
(23 March 2019)

She is with a guy, had a few divorces.
(23 March 2019)

We have held hands, massages, kissed, txt, called, went out to movies, the beach etc.
(23 March 2019)

I am much younger female than she is, 26 years appart.
(23 March 2019)

We have known each other for over two years.
(23 March 2019)

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