Friday 1 March 2019

Titillating Tuesday Tease

I am removing my bra and my panties for your viewing pleasure. [image][image2]Do you want me to spread my love more for you? [image3]Fill me with your burning hotness. [image4]Love,Sue p.s… 4 pics_ Trinh:How do you bring yourself back up after being in a abusive relationship where the person brought you down all the time?(28 February [...]

ASKING WOMAN: Have you ever friend zoned a man, then over time developed that spark?
(25 February 2019)

So basically I was wondering, have you ever friend zoned a man still stayed friends with them and developed feeling later on?
(25 February 2019)

Know of any good audiobooks?
(25 February 2019)

I am interested in learning about something or learning some skill and not so interested in a story.
(25 February 2019)

My girlfriend justvruined my night again with her put downs, I feel like she has low self esteem and likes the misery?
(25 February 2019)

Yet Shecattacks me like I'm her enemy.
(25 February 2019)

What's going to hapoen is later she will realize ivwas a good idea.
(25 February 2019)

I said I felt a mirror would go so well here.
(25 February 2019)

She freaked then said that I just want to look at myself.
(25 February 2019)

One wall was fullnof holes and missing a mirror so I decided to pull this mirror out tgat been burried behind a mountain for months.
(25 February 2019)

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