Sunday 31 March 2019

Today’s undies – Friday 3 March

Yesterday was pretty full-on with work. I went to a briefing session where I met colleagues who wanted to talk about some pressing issues as well as the overall plans were are working on together. It’_ Kenyetta:I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 4 years.(31 March 2019) Kenyetta:I’m freaking out, after I got a blood test during [...]

I think this is weird because we are not even married or engaged.
(28 March 2019)

I'm 17, I have been seeing a girl for four months, its going really well. sometimes she says that when we divorce I will have to pay her alimony and sometimes she even says she cant wait for our divorce.
(28 March 2019)

Does the fact that somebody does not chase after me the whole days mean that they are not interested in me?
(28 March 2019)

I got myself into a serious realtionship and then I changed my mind about marriage... help?
(28 March 2019)

Which do you think is the best and why?
(28 March 2019)

I can see two ways to go about this: Wait it out and see where it leads or break it off now while there is less of an emotional attachment.
(28 March 2019)

I know it's still early in the realtionship... so I'm not sure where to go from here.
(28 March 2019)

I just don't know if I want marriage.
(28 March 2019)

I know he still wants the relationship lead to more, but I'm not so sure anymore.
(28 March 2019)

We've only been together 2 months so far.
(28 March 2019)

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