Sunday 14 April 2019

Annual steak and BJ day

What are you doing for steak and BJ day? Have you thought about it before today? It’s today so it’s not too late. If not plan for next year. Who doesn’t enjoy a good BJ PS: I think salmon steaks count_ Winona:I did kiss two girls in high school when I was 17 years old and [...]

When ppl are around I act excited and ready for this baby.
(11 April 2019)

My family planned a gender reveal party for me and has already given me tons of baby stuff.
(11 April 2019)

I'm 28 and 18 weeks pregnant my whole family is excited( First Grandchild) including my husband even though this was a surprise pregnancy.
(11 April 2019)

Parenting help needed, very difficult two year old?
(11 April 2019)

I love her as my own child, she can be very very sweet and loving at times but lately she has been difficult. what would you do?
(11 April 2019)

I went to pick her up from the baby-sitter's house and told her it was time to go, after many times and she looked at me and said NO and ran up the stairs.
(11 April 2019)

I've noticed that especially around other people she will act out.
(11 April 2019)

At the grocery store yesterday she threw a massive tantrum, angry and screaming because I wouldn't give her the donuts in our cart.
(11 April 2019)

Most of the time when I ask her to do something she tries to spit at me even though she doesn't actually spit.
(11 April 2019)

If she takes off her car seat straps I will tell her to put her straps back on and she'll yell no and try to spit at me.
(11 April 2019)

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