Monday 15 April 2019

Do men still want a good girl?

My definition of a good girl is: someone that has not had many sexual partners and is conventional sexually.Just wondering if good girls are a thing of the past and if high moral standards still count_ Eric:I don’t see anything wrong with it as along as nothing sexual happens.(10 April 2019) Johanne:Why would a white girl say [...]

Long story short, 30 years later I feel profound guilt for how I treated my father until I was age 15 and guilt for causing my Mom to have to protect me and thus leave him.
(12 April 2019)

Meanwhile, my mother maintains she divorced him to protect us from their marital problems.
(12 April 2019)

As a teen I realized what my Mom was doing to me and got closer to my father.
(12 April 2019)

I believed her and hated my Dad.
(12 April 2019)

My mother brainwashed us against our Dad and told is if he loved is then he would have treated her better.
(12 April 2019)

As a kid I was convinced I caused my Mom and Dad divorced cause of me.
(12 April 2019)

HELP!! I can't stop thinking about my girlfriend?
(12 April 2019)

A 64 oz. bottle with: Blood, 5 hour energy, pure caffeine powder, vomit, ghost pepper sauce, vodka, brake fluid and sour milk?
(12 April 2019)

Is this the best I can do or would I be settling?
(12 April 2019)

Says he is willing to get a job and probably could work as a cashier somewhere.
(12 April 2019)

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