Saturday 20 April 2019

Eradicated Mentalities

A skeptic And a cynic I have worn These mentalities. But they did notBecome meFor inside Was the heart Of a romantic. Sometimes broken Sometimes slumbering Sometimes stillBut always hungering Yearning_ Lora:She says he tried to call 911, but he prevented her.(17 April 2019) Deandra:Should you hug and kiss your husband every 10 minutes so he feels [...]

She didn't seem like she was interested at all.
(17 April 2019)

On Monday I asked her out and she acted super weird and was like I'll get back to you.
(17 April 2019)

Last week she said we should go out sometime next week.
(17 April 2019)

She's been flirting with me for a while.
(17 April 2019)

How can I control myself when I get mad ?
(17 April 2019)

That's how angry I get at everything.
(17 April 2019)

My husband likes the song Baby Shark me and him have a band he has to play it every time our band practices it really distracts me makes me so mad I wanna smash my guitar.
(17 April 2019)

I put a passcode on it so she can't hack into it again but I still have to wait days , weeks a month to get my songs synced back on I got a few of them back.
(17 April 2019)

I get pissed off at my sister when she goes into my iPod deletes all my favorite songs I have to wait a month to get them back which makes me so mad I wanna throw my laptop at her.
(17 April 2019)

I have really bad anger issues makes me get mad at everything trust me you don't wanna be around me when I get mad.
(17 April 2019)

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