Monday 8 April 2019

Never a lonely night

About a year after I initially lost my virginity to my uncle he started having sex with me when I would spend the night over at his house. My parents liked me spending a lot of time with my cousin Kar_ Orpha:Lets say you have a son who is 15 and he says he going to [...]

Do you think it is safe to go or will he read more into it?
(4 April 2019)

I have suggested that we go away on a yoga retreat to Bali to help clear his head.
(4 April 2019)

Confided in him about my feelings for my new boss.
(4 April 2019)

How do i make a relationship?
(4 April 2019)

How can I get rid of this bad energy since a breakup?
(4 April 2019)

I've literally lost jobs, friends, sanity, etc. because of my ex.
(4 April 2019)

I want to finally be released from all of this negative energy that has been destroying my life.
(4 April 2019)

My confidence has also been low.
(4 April 2019)

So I was in a really toxic relationship with this one girl and (Its been a year since we've broken up) every since then I've had these bitter feelings towards everything and everyone.
(4 April 2019)

Is 27 year old still considered young?
(4 April 2019)

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