Thursday 18 April 2019

Okay - I guess that’s nature’s way…

I got blown off for a date on Wednesday. Now tonight’s off.I’ve realized that I’m not the most attractive prospect here on this site - I’m married, middle-aged, not great looking, and I have a quirky_ Charisse:Why would a guy ask his partner did her butt got big?(14 April 2019) Belia:Should you ask to see someones genitals?(14 [...]

He wanted us to stay friends, so I talk to him like any other of my friends.
(15 April 2019)

We broke up because my mental health is not well, and it affected our relationship.
(15 April 2019)

Can somebody please explain to me why the women are like this where I live? Please .. anybody?
(15 April 2019)

You can never be around her one on one alone.
(15 April 2019)

If you say something that sounds out of the way these guys would get in your face.
(15 April 2019)

Anyway if you try to talk to these women or say anything to them you will get fronted by one of these guys who will say something incendiary and smart aleck or heckle you when you try to talk to her.
(15 April 2019)

These women typically has the jail number on their contact list to call their boyfriend.
(15 April 2019)

Some of them has wheels on their truck twice as big and has men's balls as the hitch ball, being nasty, and provocative language on their cars or trucks.
(15 April 2019)

These guys stick together, and talk in a 'cool slang'. These guys typically are assertive and aggressive.
(15 April 2019)

They are often in jail over petty drama and traffic violations.
(15 April 2019)

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