Friday 19 April 2019

Whats everybody doing today ?

Lets hear from all over_ Nellie:I just found out that my cousin’s husband molested his sister when they were younger. My cousin has children with this man. What do i do?(16 April 2019) Nellie:I should add that my cousin has no clue about this.(16 April 2019) Chantel:Why did God make blacks look like apes if he wanted them [...]

Doesn't matter who I'm with at the time.
(16 April 2019)

I'm scared to death of sharing my life with a guy.
(16 April 2019)

Am I the only one with extreme anxiety about marriage?
(16 April 2019)

I just need to know that I'm not alone.... does anyone else feel this way?
(16 April 2019)

I don't really have any close friends I can open up to.
(16 April 2019)

I feel so alone and I don't have anyone I can talk to about this.
(16 April 2019)

I'm 24 if age makes a difference.
(16 April 2019)

I'm fine with commitment, but the idea of sharing my life forever with one person is overwhelming and makes me anxious in a way I've never felt before.
(16 April 2019)

Best Friends Brother is THEE One?
(16 April 2019)

The brother is also like 20 and I m 26 so there is that.
(16 April 2019)

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