Monday 6 May 2019

Letter from Grandma……………..

Grandma is eighty-eight years old and still drives her own car. She writes:Dear Grand-daughter,The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a ‘Honk if you love Jesus’ bump_ Betsy:He says there is no one else and he only wants me but if that s true why did he put it [...]

I could be way way across the room and he'll throw stuff at me.
(3 May 2019)

He throws stuff at me for no reason.
(3 May 2019)

His girlfriend told him to stop talking about me but he didn't.
(3 May 2019)

He was talking about my art, my hair, and other stuff about me.
(3 May 2019)

He thought i couldnt hear him but i heard everything.
(3 May 2019)

He stared at me the whole time and whispered stuff about me to her.
(3 May 2019)

His girlfriend sits in front of me, so he sat next to her.
(3 May 2019)

Yesterday, we had a sub so we all got to sit where we wanted to.
(3 May 2019)

He stares at me when im doing my art work and laughs at my art work.
(3 May 2019)

Should I feel guilty for helping?
(3 May 2019)

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