Thursday 9 May 2019

Music quiz - Shapes of things

Good luck with the quiz this week.[image]1. Can you name the vocal group that achieved a UK top five hit in 1972 with a song called ‘Circles’?2. Which successful American singer and songwriter conside_ Alleen:After being dumped I started talking to this girl, we’ll call her Jewel to hide her identity, who has a boyfriend.(3 May [...]

I'll ask him but I don't want my friend to find out what it is if I do send it to his house.
(6 May 2019)

I want to buy a pocket pussy but do not want my parents to find out and am too embarrassed to ask a friend if I can send it to their house and pay them extra.
(6 May 2019)

I just want things to get better. What should I do?
(6 May 2019)

I just want everything to get better.
(6 May 2019)

I also feel like my relationship with my friends is falling and everyone is becoming distant with me, but it's all my fault because I pushed everyone away at some point.
(6 May 2019)

We've talked loads about this and he says he will make it work out somehow so I'm not so worried about it except for the fact that I really wanted to be at his graduation this summer but I don't think his parents want me there.
(6 May 2019)

We love each other and want to be together but his parents are just not accepting of our relationship and don't want us getting engaged because they don't believe that this whole long distance thing is how you get to know someone.
(6 May 2019)

My boyfriend and I are maintaining a long distance relationship and it's just getting harder and harder on me everyday especially because some days are better than others and I just don't like this up and down relationship type of deal.
(6 May 2019)

I haven't been on the greatest terms with my family.
(6 May 2019)

I'm feeling very down this morning.
(6 May 2019)

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