Wednesday 29 May 2019

NSA Pussy Play

Sit Squat down ride my face ,let me lick your clit and tongue and tongue fuck your pussy maybe lick and tease your ass too,,,,,_ Junita:I been played before by a guy and it’s hard to tell if a guy really like me.(27 May 2019) Malena:Young women get hot, older women get warm why is that?(27 May [...]

When we told him our plans he refused and said he is staying where he is.
(26 May 2019)

She lives in a very small town and he will be able to get a job and make more friends, this will help him be more talkative and more open.
(26 May 2019)

So we have decided that he should move in with her.
(26 May 2019)

He only has 2 friends and no girlfriend and very rarely hangs out with anyone else.
(26 May 2019)

My nephew is 30 (I am his aunt) and he only prefers hanging out in small groups.
(26 May 2019)

One of my good friends has secretly been dating my ex for the last 6 months. They got together shortly after we broke up. Should I be upset?
(26 May 2019)

I just can t help but feel betrayed by my friend, and angry at both of them.
(26 May 2019)

Neither of them let on they were seeing the other.
(26 May 2019)

I found out recently through a coworker, as I work with my ex, that he has been dating my friend for the last 6 months.
(26 May 2019)

He was not nice at all during this time.
(26 May 2019)

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