Friday 3 May 2019

Oh feck….

When I write a post I usually proof read…. Trouble is, I usually write my posts in “notepad” (yeah okay I know there are plenty other text writers but I’m old school - can even use the command promp_ Sari:Everyone makes mistakes but I will not agree with nor will I condone any action that takes [...]

I am 25 go to school and have a job, yet I have to do everything around the house., while older brother doesn't have too.What should I do?
(30 April 2019)

I feel like running away and no one appreciates the things I do for them.
(30 April 2019)

Why do I have to do everything around the house?
(30 April 2019)

He is in his 30's and doesn't help around the house, yet everyone is too afraid to say anything to him because he has a temper and my mom has a boyfriend who doesn't help either around the house.
(30 April 2019)

What MBTI does this beautiful girl sound like?
(30 April 2019)

Why does my friend always want to do everything the same as me but never supports me?
(30 April 2019)

He told her not to ever cheat on him?
(30 April 2019)

Is that a red flag that he might be controlling?
(30 April 2019)

Is that a strange thing to say to your partner in a brand new relationship?
(30 April 2019)

She isn't the type of person to cheat and they only just started dating.
(30 April 2019)

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