Saturday 11 May 2019

Rutting Season aka forest fings aka mounting musky moves…

…this is why James done did pulled that move on me…its rutting season….. he pulled a mounting position…I have felt his rutting energy before… this is most ironic for it was in teasing wit_ Manda:Everything was perfect other then my unability to perform and i guess she was depressed but it didnt really show i made [...]

Plus I feel like during the week it is rushing for me to get home take care of a dog and then rush over to hand out for 2-3 hours.
(7 May 2019)

I have this nervous feeling like in my stump I and panicking and can not sleep over it.
(7 May 2019)

I do not feel like it is taking it slow and it is going to go back into the bad habits again.
(7 May 2019)

Plus he wants two days during the week and Saturday and Sunday and a sleep over on Saturday.
(7 May 2019)

I feel like he is listening some what to what I have to say and not all.
(7 May 2019)

Have like 3 hours after I get home before I have to get ready for bed plus a dog to take care of.
(7 May 2019)

Now giving him a second chance and now want to take it slow and only date on the weekends because I do not get home until later on the week nights and do not always want to feel like I am always on the go all the time.
(7 May 2019)

I dated a guy who was over controlling and decided that I did not like always being controled or not truste.
(7 May 2019)

He claims he forgets but I don't buy that.
(7 May 2019)

My brother does this and I don't know why.
(7 May 2019)

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