Wednesday 8 May 2019

Southern boy at heart

Let me touch these titties,Let me kiss this sexy mouth.Let me lie with you in bed,Gently gently going south._ Leonarda:At first, i didn’t really think anything of her.(2 May 2019) Leonarda:I met this girl at college last year in July.(2 May 2019) Sharee:Is it unethical to not disclose hsv-2 status if you dont sleep with a person?(2 May [...]

We no longer face time nightly as we used to, and there are some days we go without hearing from each other.
(5 May 2019)

This relationship has not been going for very long, maybe half a year.
(5 May 2019)

Should I apologise to my sister for this?
(5 May 2019)

As we came home, my sister shouted at me and said I ruined it for her and I was so embarrassing and that I should be ashamed of myself for embarrassing her.
(5 May 2019)

People were shushing me to be quiet, but I couldn't.
(5 May 2019)

Everyone was crying, but I cried so loud that the entire theatre could hear me.
(5 May 2019)

During this one scene (I'm not posting spoilers because of the spoiler rule), I cried so much that I was super loud.
(5 May 2019)

We were so hyped to see it as we're massive Marvel fans.
(5 May 2019)

I'm a 24-year-old male, and she's 16-years-old.
(5 May 2019)

This was my fourth time seeing it, her third time seeing it, and our first time together.
(5 May 2019)

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