Sunday 23 June 2019


The Kind of Mood I’m in Right Now ?*_ Palma:After they finished their conversation he seemed really happy that day.(20 June 2019) Palma:He also been talking to one of his Male friends.(20 June 2019) Palma:I know this sounds bad, but should I be worry?(20 June 2019) Elma:Is it attractive for a woman to look like Michael Jackson like naturally [...]

I really want to wow him tonight.
(20 June 2019)

Anyways, I d like to have some ideas, and tips for sexy things to do and say.
(20 June 2019)

So I m 19, and I recently bought this school girl lingerie set.
(20 June 2019)

Am I right to be mad at my FWB? is he playing games with me? will choose a best answer?
(19 June 2019)

I am so fed up with I right to be mad at him?
(19 June 2019)

The first time he claims he got scared and now this time he said he is concerned for my feelings...but if he is concerned for my feelings I feel like he would not come up with this idea to begin with. ..but yet he has done this to me again.
(19 June 2019)

My toddler tantrums in public?
(19 June 2019)

As soon as we left she was so calm and happy.
(19 June 2019)

My question is with a situation like this why did she behave this way there?
(19 June 2019)

I kept telling her to go to sleep but she wouldn't.
(19 June 2019)

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