Wednesday 31 July 2019

real men = older? don’t want one then

I love how guys 37+, older guys I have NO interest in are like “You need a real man, leave the boys alone” and blah blah. Sorry but I’m not into older men and I don’t want a daddy. I don’t need financ_ Lavina:She seems like a sunshine creeping on me.(30 July 2019) Lavina:But I could not [...]

He also has 2 adolescents and a morgage, but he is a kind, intelligent, and a good worker at my job.
(29 July 2019)

He went through a rough divorce in 2015 and I think he is still not well.
(29 July 2019)

What is wrong with this white people area?
(29 July 2019)

Also people would just randomly walk up to you out here and pick fights with you or bully you.
(29 July 2019)

I tell them I'm not from around here and they tell me to go back where I came from.
(29 July 2019)

The people always are antagonistic towards me because of me being a different way than they are.
(29 July 2019)

If you stand up to one person out here you usually would have it in with them and their huge gang that they're in.
(29 July 2019)

The people out here seems to not want to get to know you or allow variety in their group of friends or people who are a different way.
(29 July 2019)

If you talk to one person out here you are talking to them and that whole gang that they're in as they relay everything that you say to that gang.
(29 July 2019)

I get grouped bullied over being a 'different' way or as they slander me as being 'different', or I am also slandered as being 'gay' Nobody is letting me in.
(29 July 2019)

Be Honest

When I get on Cam to relieve the pressures of the day, I am hit on by mostly guys, I check their profile and they are seeking Women……. . Be honest with yourself and edit your profile to include Me_ Nicholle:Im so stupid.. It was just a wuick hook up.(30 July 2019) Nicholle:Hes going to post the [...]

He has a good friend that works with us too, this friend I have overheard getting on him to go talk to me.
(29 July 2019)

His cheeks get rosy sometimes when he sees me or if I approach with a work question.
(29 July 2019)

He has made me laugh and I try to show him it's okay and he can approach me.
(29 July 2019)

He has no problems talking to the couple other women though so I'm thinking there's gotta be a reason he's like this with me.
(29 July 2019)

It's been some time now and he has opened up some but won't talk a lot and is still rather quiet around me.
(29 July 2019)

He acts so weird around me, he will rarely look at me while talking and will look around and mess with and fiddle with his shirt.
(29 July 2019)

He always would look at me and now due to my promotion we are in the same area.
(29 July 2019)

I work with this guy, we are both in our early twenties.
(29 July 2019)

Does someone loose interest in you after good sex or find more interest?
(29 July 2019)

Is sex with an ex that you are rekindling a relationship with a bad idea?
(29 July 2019)

Bring on July!

Weather has been great…. The lake is refreshing…. Who wants to come have a drink on the lake?_ Kesha:Our connection seemed genuine, refreshing and unique.(30 July 2019) Kesha:We met in person, had great sex and it felt we both wanted more.(30 July 2019) Kesha:We started talking on grinder, instantly had fantastic sex chemistry and gradually started talking about [...]

But another part of me feels like I should let it go.
(28 July 2019)

Part of me wants to wish her happy birthday tomorrow because I do truly wish the best for her.
(28 July 2019)

It was such an abrupt ending especially given that we had been friends for 13 years.
(28 July 2019)

We have not spoken since this day.
(28 July 2019)

I was upset because I got her a present, made plans, she told me to come over and then bailed.
(28 July 2019)

I waited in my car for 30 minutes before i drove home.
(28 July 2019)

When I showed up, she wasn't there and when I called her, she said she went out with this new friend who she hardly knew.
(28 July 2019)

I had plans to take her out and she told me to come to her house.
(28 July 2019)

Last year on my best friends birthday she treated me terribly.
(28 July 2019)

Serious question.... I recently told my friends and family...?
(28 July 2019)

Member since 2005

I see that Meelp has taken away the line that shows when the profile was started. I was quite different back then, had different ideas of what I wanted in life…. well, it has been 12 years! Relation_ Tracee:I’ve been wanting to move back to them since I got here.(30 July 2019) Tracee:All my friends and family [...]

My daughter was 9. Her daughter was 4. We all got along very well.
(28 July 2019)

The kids met only because our opportunities to see each other were limited.
(28 July 2019)

So as you might imagine, we fell in love QUICKLY.
(28 July 2019)

We have liked each other since we were kids, but it just never happened.
(28 July 2019)

She had been separated for a few months.
(28 July 2019)

Back in February, I started dating someone.
(28 July 2019)

Do i have a crush on him or do i really just want to hang out with him?
(28 July 2019)

And tomorrow hes going back go europe and i feel really sad.
(28 July 2019)

But i do check him out sometimes.
(28 July 2019)

Ive never really thought of him sexually.
(28 July 2019)

Member since 2005

I see that Meelp has taken away the line that shows when the profile was started. I was quite different back then, had different ideas of what I wanted in life…. well, it has been 12 years! Relation_ Tracee:I’ve been wanting to move back to them since I got here.(30 July 2019) Tracee:All my friends and family [...]

We are chatting on Facebook (which I have plenty of pictures posted to.) He does this again a few days later.
(28 July 2019)

He doesn't use Snap or anything.
(28 July 2019)

After only a day of talking he asks for a picture of me (clean.) Just how I look at that moment.
(28 July 2019)

Can my husband adopt my daughter without the consent of the birth father?
(28 July 2019)

I dont know who my 2yrs old daughter father is or dont have a idea.
(28 July 2019)

We have a son together also I have 4 other children that has the same father.
(28 July 2019)

So years later we took a test through child support and found out that my husband is not the father but he still claims her like his own.
(28 July 2019)

My daughter is 2 year old and I told my husband that my daughter was not his when he went to jail.
(28 July 2019)

Why did my stomach hurt after my boyfriend ejaculated in me?
(28 July 2019)

Is there a meaning behind the pains?
(28 July 2019)

Libre como el sol cuando amanece, yo soy libre, como el mar …

Os juro que no soy una madrastrona, pero no me quedaba sola en casa unos días (como en la peli) desde la primera quincena de agosto del año pasado. Y os aseguro que es agotador. Es una jornada a tie_ Flo:Lately, I tried talking to her again.(30 July 2019) Flo:Break up ended bad I was mad and [...]

Me and my boyfriend just broke up and I am thinking of switching majors to avoid him.
(28 July 2019)

Have you noticed how insane fornicators are?
(28 July 2019)

I'm pure and will stay pure for my future husband if I ever am blessed with one.
(28 July 2019)

When i mention that i dont fornicate and am saving myself for marriage i often get a bunch of pushy answers trying to force me to believe i should not be waiting and that its even harmful.
(28 July 2019)

How do I stop feeling insecure in my relationship?
(28 July 2019)

I just feel so insecure and feel like he'll cheat on me for someone his age but I also understand a man my age could cheat too.
(28 July 2019)

I'm also 2 months pregnant by him and we were friends for 4 years until we started a relationship.
(28 July 2019)

He says he's attracted to me and likes my personality etc.
(28 July 2019)

What does it mean when a girl take a pic of you secretly???
(28 July 2019)

I said hi how are you and I pretended that i did not notice.
(28 July 2019)

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Dreamus Interruptus

Last night, I enjoyed a nice little text conversation with someone who apparently has lusted after me for a number of years. He made a remark, and my response was “WTF! Why didn’t you ever tell me?_ Kimi:Should she really of waited till she was married to do the do doo.(29 July 2019) Kimi:Or should she stay [...]

So in a couple years, I want to adopt a kid.
(28 July 2019)

In my High School I was tall and very pretty girl.The prettiest.There was a short slutty girl whk was not pretty.The boys said she was the?
(28 July 2019)

Should I go to his work and try and try and get his colleagues to be his friends?
(28 July 2019)

Should I get him to see a therapist or just try and make him more talkative myself?
(28 July 2019)

But I say they need to do more, they need to be more involved in his life.
(28 July 2019)

I even tried to get his parents involved and told them to make him open up about his feelings but they said he is an adult and can live how he pleases and that he talks to them all the time, they even have Sunday dinners together every week.
(28 July 2019)

Is it ok to tell children about santa claus?
(28 July 2019)

My ex boyfriend is using a picture of him with my dead dog on a dating app, do I have the right to be hurt?
(28 July 2019)

Should I say something or just move on?
(28 July 2019)

I feel really hurt that he is using this picture.
(28 July 2019)

HNW in the Man’s Room

I designed my bathroom after the one in the Royal Wing lounge in Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, with various shades of grey and pastels for accent. [image]I have noticed that a lot of the ladies b_ Eboni:Is it normal to think about my boyfriend of six months so much?(29 July 2019) Eboni:We have such a great connection.(29 July [...]

Who is more for you?
(28 July 2019)

Mason Henry and David Morris for twin boys?
(28 July 2019)

They had decided the name Shelby Grace for a girl and if they decided to name like they did the boys, then it would have either been Shelby Linda and Grace Julie or Shelby Julie and Grace Linda.
(28 July 2019)

David Morris, but it's kind of growing on me.
(28 July 2019)

At first I hated the names, esp.
(28 July 2019)

So the kids will be Mason Henry and David Morris.
(28 July 2019)

So my (and my sister's) Dad's name is Morris.
(28 July 2019)

Now they decided to split up the names and give their dad's first name as the kids' middle names.
(28 July 2019)

Before they knew they were having twins, they had decided if it was a boy they would name him Mason David.
(28 July 2019)

My sister and her husband are having twin boys.
(28 July 2019)

ah summertime

but damn the heat..dont mind the 80’s but upper 90s..gets to ya_ Vina:First, I won’t ever do anything because I don’t want to ruin my life and I know it’s not right but I have a fantasy that my wife asks me if I am attracted to young girls while rubbing me.(29 July 2019) Vernetta:He doesn’t reply [...]

He's always very appreciative of my help.
(27 July 2019)

I've washed his hair for him when he asked.
(27 July 2019)

I feel like I go out of my way for him a lot like a girlfriend would for their boyfriend.
(27 July 2019)

He told me he has a soft spot for me as well.
(27 July 2019)

Sometimes he'll cuddle up to me when we're sleeping because he's cold.
(27 July 2019)

He texts me every day or two checking up on me.
(27 July 2019)

He's always saying if I need anything let him know.
(27 July 2019)

He'll grab my arm and put it around him.
(27 July 2019)

He's fallen asleep on me a few times.
(27 July 2019)

I've stayed over at his place a lot lately, which he stated he doesn't mind and also said I'm always welcome.
(27 July 2019)

Awwww…..Really??? The Best Thing a Lover Can Say…

[image]This is the best, isn’t it? When a lover feels this way about you.I remember when I’d see him, the first thing I’d say is, “I miss you.” It wasn’t just the sex, it w_ Christinia:Today again he abused me and it turned physical.(29 July 2019) Christinia:My grandmom lives with us and she encourages and enables him.(29 [...]

I asked for her instagram and she gave it to me right away.
(27 July 2019)

So a few days ago in school I was chatting with a girl for a good 20 min about random stuff.
(27 July 2019)

Is it pretty bad that I'm sexually attracted to ugly girls?
(27 July 2019)

Girlfriend is working for someone she use to have feelings for?
(27 July 2019)

She knows the situation bothers me but I try my hardest to trust her and keep it at bay.
(27 July 2019)

However, I can t help but to be nervous and worry that these feelings may come back over time.
(27 July 2019)

She told me at one point she had feelings for this guy but lost Interest in him because she felt we were more compatible and that this guy wasn t her type.
(27 July 2019)

This guy recently offered her a job, and I told her she could take it.
(27 July 2019)

So she met this guy when we first started dating, she has been honest with me so far and never hides anything from me.
(27 July 2019)

Does anyone know the names of the different types of sushi in the Pokemon Stadium Sushi Go Round mini game?
(27 July 2019)

Awwww…..Really??? The Best Thing a Lover Can Say…

[image]This is the best, isn’t it? When a lover feels this way about you.I remember when I’d see him, the first thing I’d say is, “I miss you.” It wasn’t just the sex, it w_ Christinia:Today again he abused me and it turned physical.(29 July 2019) Christinia:My grandmom lives with us and she encourages and enables him.(29 [...]

But I think it will probably be a problem to ask for too much from a hospital, what is a good recommendation?
(27 July 2019)

Besides that it's an ancient practice with a lot of mental illness behind it that is also practiced against men and womens will in other civilizations.
(27 July 2019)

From my experience w doctors, seems like more of a chance that they wouldn't understand the question and it would be considered some foreign practice that nobody does around here.
(27 July 2019)

Do you approach medical staff on the topic, or do hospitals even delay cord clamping?
(27 July 2019)

Men what does oral in the morning do for you?
(27 July 2019)

Why are some white males proud to have ugly half Asian babies?
(27 July 2019)

To me, they're as ugly and non white looking as half black babies.
(27 July 2019)

Should I lean slim guy like me switch to ketogenic diet ??
(27 July 2019)

Would a man be happy dating a woman who makes much more money than him?
(27 July 2019)

23 male and I keep feeling terrible when i see couples because i've been single all my life, how do i stop feeling like this?
(27 July 2019)

The healing power of a kiss

It seems like every time I go out camping, my head pays the price! If I was shorter, I wouldn’t have the problem of bumping my head under the 5th wheel part of my trailer. I must learn to stay bent ov_ Leola:Now, my daughter is normal, she’s a great student, very friendly.(28 July 2019) Leola:I am [...]

My step sister Mom died and she hasn't been coming home since. Should we just leave her be?
(27 July 2019)

Or should I just leave her be for now?
(27 July 2019)

Should I continue to talk to her to get her to come back?
(27 July 2019)

She is also have been skipping her college classes and is pretty much giving up on a lot of things.. How can I help her?
(27 July 2019)

Parents are not okay with this but it's really hard to convince her otherwise.
(27 July 2019)

She is currently 17 and is staying at her boyfriend house in the meantime.
(27 July 2019)

At first she didn't have a reaction to it but lately she hasn't been coming home and told us that she doesn't want to come home because she hates the environment.
(27 July 2019)

So last week I've heard the news from my family that my step sis biological mom just passed.
(27 July 2019)

I texted my Mom's cousin I was at the same fair as him and he did not message me back, this was yesterday. Does this mean he dislikes me?
(27 July 2019)

I had seen on Facebook by coincidence that he was there also as I was just parking when I saw it.
(27 July 2019)

My Article Reading Habits Have Changed…

I used to read the articles in Playboy (old joke) but now I read the articles in the mainstream media about sex. Is our MSM becoming pornified? That is, even in the civilian sense of media, a knowing_ Loise:I haven’t gotten a date or any woman to slept with?(28 July 2019) Lola:Have you ever sparred with a [...]

Idk what to do because I dont want to be clingy or annoying and chase her away.
(27 July 2019)

The only thing that is giving me hope is before we started dating she told me that she would never cheat and if she found another guy that she liked she would tell me and break up with me.
(27 July 2019)

Also we used to face time after her camp was done but it just hasn't been the same energy and vibes that our other face times have been. idk if shes just tired or just not not wanting to be with me anymore.
(27 July 2019)

So I've had to start the conversation and I get one word answers back most of the time.
(27 July 2019)

But worst of all, every morning, lunch, and after camp finished during the first couple days of camp she would text me but now she hasn't really done that lately but it says shes active on snap.
(27 July 2019)

Her answers have turned to one word replies, she's acting much differently on face time and sometimes she wont respond or open my snaps but when I check snap maps (No im not a stalker) it says shes active right now.
(27 July 2019)

So as of right now she has finished her first week at camp and i already feel something different when talking to her.
(27 July 2019)

I have trust issues already so it was kinda hard to trust her but I did.
(27 July 2019)

I brang up the idea to her and she told me to just trust her and nothing will happen.
(27 July 2019)

Going into it was I was kinda scared that she would find someone else and stop liking me.
(27 July 2019)

Monday 29 July 2019

*****Alligator Shoes*****

A blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes, but didn’t want to pay the high prices. After unsuccessfully haggling with one of the shopkeepers_ Larita:I love my kids very much but I guess I’m tired of only being a mom and wife and never having time [...]

Single, never married, no baggage, own my house, zero debt,... and I can't find anyone.
(27 July 2019)

Women always seem to want the guy they can't get (always getting looks when out helping my cousin) or they want what other women have had.
(27 July 2019)

Are having an affair again?
(27 July 2019)

Am i having an emotional affair?
(27 July 2019)

Rate looks from 1-10?
(27 July 2019)

I was extremely drunk when I cheated and not thinking.
(27 July 2019)

I plan to take casual snap shots such as a child blowing out candles on his birthday cake at a party?
(27 July 2019)

If I take any videos it would be limited to 30 seconds for my friends on Facebook or a private video on YouTube.
(27 July 2019)

It would be 1080 without any editing.
(27 July 2019)

Is there any advantage of a G7X Mark ii or other stand alone camera over a $500 smart phone?
(27 July 2019)

For you my friends

enjoying my big boobs_ Petrina:Girls want a strong confident guy which i am but it might not come across as so if at times i dont feel like talkinh.(28 July 2019) Petrina:Im a bit quiet and ot feels like im never going to find love.(28 July 2019) Sharri:Should I call and ask about my kids?(28 July 2019) Meredith:Is it [...]

Why do guys only want sex and not a relationship?
(27 July 2019)

I told him that I eventually want to experience sex but not just with anybody (prefer my husband). I really liked him and cared about him and wanted a relationship with him but I guess that wasn'tgood enough.
(27 July 2019)

Yes I'm a virgin he knows that hes not a virgin.
(27 July 2019)

Was dealing with this guy only wanted sex but yet he claims he wanted a relationship too...lie he only wanted sex from me.
(27 July 2019)

Is it normal (female) to sometimes be grossed at the thought of sex and male body?
(27 July 2019)

Sometimes you like the idea alot.
(27 July 2019)

How to nicely ask my boyfriend not to shave?
(27 July 2019)

Is it rude to ask him to stop shaving?
(27 July 2019)

He just shaves everything including his armpits.
(27 July 2019)

Love my boyfriend and stuff I just kind of like more hair on dudes personal preference.
(27 July 2019)

Fasting Lab

Hey folks. I had to do a fasting lab yesterday. And it was serious. They….they…This is so hard to say….They wouldn’t let me drink coffee before it. I mean fucking REALLY? Right after the lab I h_ Belen:I have always had a good work.ethic, i take care of myself but I have been put aside on [...]

After having this conversation with countless people and getting mostly the same responses (due to where I live) I was wondering what a mostly anonymous, faceless database would have to say.
(26 July 2019)

Uhh why is everyone so toxic on here?
(26 July 2019)

Is Bette Midler as crazy as Donald Trump?
(26 July 2019)

My parents won't let me do anything and I don't know what to do?
(26 July 2019)

She just screams in my face and locks me in my room.
(26 July 2019)

She doesn't let me talk when I try to convince her to let me go to school.
(26 July 2019)

I can't convince my mom of anything, I've tried.
(26 July 2019)

I want to have friends and a job.
(26 July 2019)

I don't want to kill myself, I want to live a happy life and go outside.
(26 July 2019)

All I do is sit around all day and clean lately.
(26 July 2019)

Fasting Lab

Hey folks. I had to do a fasting lab yesterday. And it was serious. They….they…This is so hard to say….They wouldn’t let me drink coffee before it. I mean fucking REALLY? Right after the lab I h_ Belen:I have always had a good work.ethic, i take care of myself but I have been put aside on [...]

I notice when I'm in my house too long I start to feel severely depressed. anyone else have this problem?
(26 July 2019)

If it's okay to call Warren Pocahontas because of a Native American ancestor then is it equally okay to call Trump after some famous German?
(26 July 2019)

I can't think of any specific examples, maybe someone involved with politics.
(26 July 2019)

Did he want me to talk to him?
(26 July 2019)

If so, why didn't he talk to me first?
(26 July 2019)

I just smiled back politely and left.
(26 July 2019)

He then went to the coffee machine next to me and kept doing this.
(26 July 2019)

I went to the coffee machine next to him, and he kept looking over his shoulder and smiling at me, like he wanted to say something.
(26 July 2019)

We were both in the kitchen yesterday, and he was washing a cup at the sink.
(26 July 2019)

He started only a couple weeks ago, and I haven't officially met him, but he often focuses on me when he's walking past my desk.
(26 July 2019)

Another compliment story?

There’s a program about the British and their reluctance to make a fuss in public - although, to the initiated, the sighs, and the “tut tuts” are clear signs of disapproval, Perhaps the ultimate sign_ Elease:I can’t even turn on my damn TV without seeing an advertisement about resort for couples, then i switch the channel [...]

I read about it online and it says this can occur after a week or two after conception sex.
(26 July 2019)

Since then my breasts have felt significantly heavier and slightly gotten bigger, and my nipples are SUPER tender.
(26 July 2019)

Both during my fertile window , one on my predicted ovulation day.
(26 July 2019)

I had unprotected sex 11 days and 9 days ago.
(26 July 2019)

Help, which foods can I serve my crush?
(26 July 2019)

Or maybe I should make some fresh tomato soup because it is heartwarming?
(26 July 2019)

Are there any other foods I could offer?
(26 July 2019)

And the presentation should be classy.
(26 July 2019)

I was thinking of nice bread, butter, cheese, grapes, or maybe passion fruit?
(26 July 2019)

I really want to impress him though with some foods I can buy.
(26 July 2019)

Which Taste?

What is the one taste you could never ever give up? Coffee?Wine?Beer?Chocolate?Cum(his or hers)?If you had to give up 4 of these things which ONE SOLE thing would choose to keep and continue to enjoy_ Ressie:He was there with his mother, my mom’s aunt by marriage (uncle’s widow) and his wife and kids.(27 July 2019) Audie:What could [...]

Is a Bi woman likely to be attracted to a guy if he shows her how good he can look dolled up in a Dress and Heels?
(26 July 2019)

I was thinking of asking my co-worker over and surprising her by welcoming her while dressed in a chiffon cocktail dress.
(26 July 2019)

How do I make a satin dress look bad and old?
(26 July 2019)

The sort of thing you d see on a creepy old antique doll that the same drunk raccoon probably dragged around in the woods.
(26 July 2019)

Like it s been in a musty chest for fifty years and also a drunk raccoon put it on and ran around outside in a rainstorm for a while and then left it in the sun for three weeks.
(26 July 2019)

Say I have a dark satin dress, and I want to make it look bad and old.
(26 July 2019)

Advice on natural childbirth? My first birth, it was almost due but the child was an oz from 10 lbs so I was ready to get it over with. They?
(26 July 2019)

Allowing water to naturally break and trying to refrain from medications which could cause a more difficult birth and possibly harm the baby.
(26 July 2019)

Did not know as much about childbirth as I know now and would prefer to go natural as possible.
(26 July 2019)

Was offered a C-section but declined.
(26 July 2019)

Sunday 28 July 2019

An Especially distressful day…

I didn’t sleep well last night, waking up at 2:30 am and not really getting any rest made for a VERY long 10-hr work day.For my lunch hour I spent the 30 minutes plus an extra 10 minutes fighting with_ Xuan:Single, never married, no baggage, own my house, zero debt,… and I can’t find anyone.(27 July [...]

This summer, I've been working with my guidance counselor to help me with college applications.
(26 July 2019)

Average height of a high school Jr?
(26 July 2019)

He's been lately giving excuses of working more and he's not the very affectionate anymore.
(26 July 2019)

Some days lately it doesn't sound like he enjoys my company too much.
(26 July 2019)

Son's diary doubts, family advice?
(26 July 2019)

I read his entries and he just wishes death to everyone.
(26 July 2019)

It's also just as wrong to slap a bf right?
(26 July 2019)

Thing is he's been quite distant lately, we don't talk everyday like we used to and doesn't seem to want to hang out with me anymore.
(26 July 2019)

No one in my family ever hit each other.
(26 July 2019)

I have no idea where I learned this from.
(26 July 2019)


I’m so horny today lolllll_ Cordie:Is am i friend zoned?(27 July 2019) Cordie:This behavior is about 60 percent of the time but she is coming off of a big break up and will tell me about other boys she messed or messes with.(27 July 2019) Kasandra:Sometimes I feel that I want to wait for him because I still [...]

Well I like this boy for five or four weeks now.
(26 July 2019)

Why would a 36 yr old man lie to a 24 yr old lady about his income and willingness to provide for her when he wants marriage?
(26 July 2019)

Then cry to anyone that will listen when she leaves him staring she just wanted his money.
(26 July 2019)

How can I interpret this one girl?
(26 July 2019)

Which I don t want anything serious either (we ve clearly talked about it). After that, she ignores my texts.
(26 July 2019)

Saying that she does not want something.
(26 July 2019)

Few days later she text back saying she did all those things cause of the alcohol and that she still sees me in a motherly way.
(26 July 2019)

The next day we text about that day saying that she had a lot of fun.
(26 July 2019)

Well aware of what we were doing.
(26 July 2019)

All that happened after we were a Lil sober now.
(26 July 2019)

Play my balls

Play my ballsCup my balls gently in the palm of your hand.  Softly squeeze them several times.  With your forefinger separate them.   With thumb and finger fondle one then the other.  Blow your wa_ Delmy:Do you have any regrets?(26 July 2019) Delmy:A decade or more later the crazy friend is in prison for murdering a woman [...]

Because of this I don't want to meet any of them.
(25 July 2019)

Whenever we see his family side, like his sister or his mom we often end up paying $100-$200 each day for them.
(25 July 2019)

What will make a promiscous wife( who slept around with tons of men before marriage) change after marriage which she is not used to it?
(25 July 2019)

How will she control her habits of changing partners and the urges that will keep on forcing her to go back to the previous exciting lifestyle ?
(25 July 2019)

I texted her later that night about something unrelated and she didn't really sound like herself.
(25 July 2019)

What to say when somebody comes out to you?
(25 July 2019)

My friend just recently told me that she has a girlfriend.
(25 July 2019)

Would you even consider going to a coffee shop called Star Box?
(25 July 2019)

I'm thinking about starting a coffee shop called Star Box.
(25 July 2019)

Why do I feel guilty everytime I tell my boyfriend of 6 months I love him or do anything that shows affection towards him?
(25 July 2019)

Biphobia and Transphobia on AFF

[image]I come and go from this site for one main reason: because of all the transphobia and biphobia I see from its members.A lot of people claim to be open minded and not to care about another’s sexu_ Shanti:Obviously, there’s a likelihood that because I frequent the place so much that i’ve become a noticeable face, [...]

How do i stop being so judgemental of myself?
(25 July 2019)

How do I forget about him and move on?
(25 July 2019)

I know that sounds stupid, but I need advice.
(25 July 2019)

How can I stop my feelings for him and make myself love someone else?
(25 July 2019)

I don't want to be alone the rest of my life - but I don't want to keep loving someone who I can never have as my husband.
(25 July 2019)

He knows I love him, but he only likes me as a friend (he told me that). It kills me to love him when he doesn't love me back, I tried to accept it and meet new guys, but no one else gives me that same feeling that I have for him.
(25 July 2019)

I feel like he is my one and only.
(25 July 2019)

I've had boyfriends and crushes before, but this feels much different.
(25 July 2019)

He's NOT perfect, but I still love and accept him entirely.
(25 July 2019)

He's the most beautiful (handsome) man I've ever seen, he has every quality I've ever dreamed of in a guy.
(25 July 2019)

Biphobia and Transphobia on AFF

[image]I come and go from this site for one main reason: because of all the transphobia and biphobia I see from its members.A lot of people claim to be open minded and not to care about another’s sexu_ Shanti:Obviously, there’s a likelihood that because I frequent the place so much that i’ve become a noticeable face, [...]

Three years ago I was able to convert a hobby into a business.
(25 July 2019)

We have been married over 6 years it's my 3rd and his 2nd.
(25 July 2019)

Boyfriend got upset with me for clogging the toilet:3?
(25 July 2019)

I m not sure if I should be worried about his reaction to the situation or is it normal?
(25 July 2019)

I didn t think this situation warranted the need for him to overreact and get upset over something that could be fixed.
(25 July 2019)

He didn t scream directly at me but I can tell he was frustrated.
(25 July 2019)

My boyfriend was pissed and started swearing to himself.
(25 July 2019)

I was cleaning up after his dog and once I put the toilet paper in the toilet to flush it, it clogged up.
(25 July 2019)

What do I do, my 6 year old screams over everything and everyday?
(25 July 2019)

Some things I can prevent but she flips out and everything frustrates her ..she gets very angry and screams non stop..i have tried ignoring her, telling her to.calm down .
(25 July 2019)

Dp vaginal

Who doesnt love dp_ Shanice:Is it wrong what they are doing?(26 July 2019) Shanice:So many times these relatives have told me that i may have a bad career too.Many times they curse me using that uncles name.(26 July 2019) Shanice:According to them i have few traits that match his.(26 July 2019) Shanice:Ever since childhood my parents, grandparents and relatives [...]

I asked for her instagram and she gave it to me right away but didnt accept my request yet two days later...
(25 July 2019)

I know her for a while and we basically flirt all the time.
(25 July 2019)

We were flirting, she was giggling constantly at jokes and we had a good time.
(25 July 2019)

So yesterday in school I was chatting with a girl for a good 20 min about random stuff.
(25 July 2019)

Should I stop trying to get me from going out with myself?
(25 July 2019)

I am only using myself for sex and drinks.
(25 July 2019)

I own a car with my ex because the lawyer forgot the VIN in the divorce.. I have no idea where he is; haven't spoken to him in in 6 years?
(25 July 2019)

What state can I sell it without the co-owner?
(25 July 2019)

Do u care if other guys have naked pics of ur gf?
(25 July 2019)

I want to be a boy but I'm straight, what is this called?
(25 July 2019)

Saturday 27 July 2019

Whisper in My Ear

[image1]You can private message me on here. I can’t initiate emails as I am not a paying member._ Nena:I know they take advantage of us but it’s hard to say out.(25 July 2019) Nena:We ended up paying for all of them entertainment tickets and meals.(25 July 2019) Nena:Example) whenever we meet up, his sister’s kids want to go [...]

Do you think my dad secretly doesnt want me to move out because he does this?
(24 July 2019)

Idk... have you heard of a parent who charges this amount of money to their kid?
(24 July 2019)

So maybe he thinks I'll just buy the house from him eventually?
(24 July 2019)

Sometimes he asks me if I want to buy the house he lives in so I can keep it for myself.
(24 July 2019)

I always tell him I cant move out because I cant save money easily and he thinks he's treating me fairly.
(24 July 2019)

Decent apartments where I live cost about $800 minimum.
(24 July 2019)

My dad takes about half of my money.
(24 July 2019)

I'm 24. I make about $55,000 per year.
(24 July 2019)

Which 3 factors are out important to you when considering whether to date a woman?
(24 July 2019)

What does it mean when a guy lies on the floor naked surrounded by pots of baby cactus?
(24 July 2019)

Thought for the day

Hi peeps, Just a pondering….. how many of us, HAVE ACTUALLY hooked up through this site, with someone in their local suburb, town, area ???I have, A show of hands would be more than welcome_ Jannet:I was walking in the hallway and the person who works there was in front of me.(25 July 2019) Nola:Idk should I [...]

I feel like it's my fault that they don't want to date and I'm starting to feel bad about myself and question my self worth and whether I'm good enough for a guy to actually date me.
(24 July 2019)

I haven't officially dated any of these guys, it's mostly sex and usually they leave me after a while.
(24 July 2019)

So I am 18 years old and so far, most of the guys I've been with have only wanted sex and to have fun, rather than dating.
(24 July 2019)

Should I co sider this disrespect?
(24 July 2019)

She made plans to go on a date with someone else while her.
(24 July 2019)

I paid for her flight as a gift.
(24 July 2019)

I invited a friend from another country to spend some time with me.
(24 July 2019)

How do I rekindle my friendship??
(24 July 2019)

Why did he not flirt back with me in a text like he usually does? did he lose interest?
(24 July 2019)

How to tell if you're in love with your best friend?
(24 July 2019)

the “rules”

today the new rules take effect. she handed them to me this morning. as you can see the rules are to tell me what to do. she can obviously do whatever she wants:1. Every evening you will say the follo_ Adina:But in the store where you work, we are kindly buying your products, giving you some [...]

How to get over him!?
(24 July 2019)

If I hurt a friend s feelings unintentionally but explained where there was misunderstanding, are they right to ignore my side and be angry?
(24 July 2019)

What do you do if the father of your the girl you like is fanatic and doesn't let her live her life? Any advice?
(24 July 2019)

This girl constantly cries because of her familiar situation.
(24 July 2019)

He knows about me, we also had a little discussion I behaved really politely and he kept on insulting me and acting angry just because we were talking.
(24 July 2019)

It made me feel sad too, because I was the reason why she argues with her dad.
(24 July 2019)

Once she said she felt like she was doing a sin by falling in love with me because her dad is becoming ill because of her wanting to find her way, and having a boyfriend means going away from the family, and growing up.
(24 July 2019)

She also told me when guys look at her he gets mad and says they are bastards and the upbringing of the young people should be changed.
(24 July 2019)

I understand you want to protect your daughter but come on, at 21 she is an adult she can get married and have a family, but no, her dad has to be sick so she can stand by him.
(24 July 2019)

Her dad is super controlling and doesn't let her alone, she only lets her hang out with her 12 years old cousin, which is still a child.
(24 July 2019)

the “rules”

today the new rules take effect. she handed them to me this morning. as you can see the rules are to tell me what to do. she can obviously do whatever she wants:1. Every evening you will say the follo_ Adina:But in the store where you work, we are kindly buying your products, giving you some [...]

We met in the summer and he left for college in the fall in a different state.
(24 July 2019)

I was with my boyfriend for almost a year.
(24 July 2019)

Is it normal that you can see nipples in a girl who has small breasts despite wearing a bra?
(24 July 2019)

Last weekend I saw that her bra doesnt work.
(24 July 2019)

She is my best friend girlfriend.
(24 July 2019)

She is 24 years old very nice slim blonde girl.
(24 July 2019)

What i do if my crush kissed girlfriend in front of me?
(24 July 2019)

I feel jealous, sad, and angry that my crush kissed his girlfriend in front of me.
(24 July 2019)

Is it normal to want to kill babies but not do it?
(24 July 2019)

Despite their feces, they are usually quiet and cute.
(24 July 2019)

Friday 26 July 2019

Fireworks, before the show.

It was a hot 4th of July, the temp running in the mid 90’s. My lady and I had booked a motel room on the beach, the fireworks show was touted to be the best ever this year. As we lounged by the pool,_ Clarisa:As I was putting it on her back, she was covering her [...]

Why do you think he did that?
(24 July 2019)

As he was talking he kept on looking at me.
(24 July 2019)

The other time I was in the treadmill and he came out to talk to the person who was next to me.
(24 July 2019)

I heard the customer that he was helping asked him a question and then he stopped looking at me.
(24 July 2019)

I stopped looking at him but I noticed he was still staring at me as I was passing.
(24 July 2019)

He right away looked up and just stopped what he was doing to stare at me in the eyes.
(24 July 2019)

As I was walking in the front desk I looked at the guy who was in the front desk writing.
(24 July 2019)

Why is it a sin to pleasure myself?
(23 July 2019)

Is it okay for a 12 year old to date a 9 year old?
(24 July 2019)

I'm 12 and my girlfriend is 9, she was born in january 2010 and i was born november 2006, do you think a 3 years gap is okay?
(24 July 2019)

Share the Fun , Be more Fun, come web camming

opinions ?_ Melodee:We have a joint birthday on the 20th.(24 July 2019) Melodee:My sister is 13 and was born on July 20th.(24 July 2019) Melodee:I am 15 and was born on July 21st.(24 July 2019) Kathe:Compatibility with my GF?(24 July 2019) Kathe:How do I bring up my questions and how long after she returns should I do it?(24 July 2019) Kathe:I [...]

My ex dumped me via text but instead of being upset that he dump me i was still being nice and i spoke to him and left on good terms.
(23 July 2019)

But the rare moment I do explode I'm looked at as a jerk.
(23 July 2019)

I usual just keep my mouth closed because I don't really like conflict.
(23 July 2019)

It takes a lot to get me mad and explode on someone.
(23 July 2019)

But I get irritated and annoyed more than I think I should.
(23 July 2019)

Very nonchalant and I hide my emotions very well.
(23 July 2019)

I'm 17 and I'm usually a laid back type of person.
(23 July 2019)

We live together, he moved in with me and I signed a lease for another year in June and we have a trip to Spain planned in a few months.
(23 July 2019)

I am just going off of youtube videos because I am constantly being blamed for things and we have had lots of arguements that go on for ever.
(23 July 2019)

I live with my boyfriend and I think hes a narcassist but not sure.
(23 July 2019)

Pimping Time!! ;)

G’day Reminding you guys of a few posts you might have missed The 32nd Symposium is on!!!! Follow this here link > > #32 Symposium Link Topic July:Summer VacationsThis is the Group link > > Virtual S_ Dee:My girlfriend of 5 years, now recently engaged, went out to hang with her two bestfriends at one of [...]

Because of her condition, she needs assistance to bathe and he does this by going in the shower with her and scrubbing her from top to bottom and I didn't find this weird at all because after all she can't even mover her arms past her chin.
(23 July 2019)

His mom has vascular dementia and I've known her since the first day and bonded with her a lot as I took care of her especially when his dad was with terminal cancer.
(23 July 2019)

I've been with my partner for three and a half years now, we're a gay couple.
(23 July 2019)

My son is super well behaved, and i want to give him a gift to him?
(23 July 2019)

Thanks, i will be so happy, and you are going to help my little baby angel.
(23 July 2019)

I dont have money to buy a present to him, so, donate $500,00, please?
(23 July 2019)

I just hate to admit that he could have been causing me so much stress without me knowing it.
(23 July 2019)

I have heard of people who are n relationships and they take breaks from each other and they feel better while on the break. so I just wonder if something similar could be happening with me even though I do love my husband and I want him around.
(23 July 2019)

I have heard of people who are n relationships and they take breaks from each other and they feel better while on the break.
(23 July 2019)

But at the same time I also don't know what is causing me to feel less depressed and less stressed all of a sudden, and I didn't start feeling less depressed until a few days after my husband had gone.
(23 July 2019)

Condom Sex Views.

Condom Sex Views.My friend Julie took these close up pics of me having condom sex play with some male friends. Share your condom sex views to if you want. Also feel free to comment about having condo_ Charis:What factors do you think contributed to this change in public opinion.(23 July 2019) Charis:In recent years, it has become [...]

And at some point im very reserved when it comes to dating.they might ask for my number , but instead of leading them and playing around, im very clear about being only friend on facebook and in real life.
(23 July 2019)

I want only long term relationship and want to date a guy i really like.but at some point while being kind to a guy, they tend to start liking me.
(23 July 2019)

A lot of guys end up having a crush on me and starts asking for my number . But im not the type to play around.
(23 July 2019)

Its because my personality is like this.
(23 July 2019)

So im quite a friendly person, very respectful and very noce to guys.
(23 July 2019)

What to do when someone buys you a gift with strings attached?
(23 July 2019)

I am always grateful to receive thoughtful gifts, but what to do when the person in question always gives gifts with big expectations or strings attached?
(23 July 2019)

It is a HUGE gift and I'm grateful.
(23 July 2019)

They offered to buy it for me in the past, I said no thanks but they got for me anyway lol.
(23 July 2019)

It's something I always planned to buy on my own.
(23 July 2019)

Condom Sex Views.

Condom Sex Views.My friend Julie took these close up pics of me having condom sex play with some male friends. Share your condom sex views to if you want. Also feel free to comment about having condo_ Charis:What factors do you think contributed to this change in public opinion.(23 July 2019) Charis:In recent years, it has become [...]

My Dad is a very bad man. How do I remove myself from him in my life?
(23 July 2019)

How do I remove this bad man from being in my life?
(23 July 2019)

He is ignorant, a pathological liar, more ignorant, too scared of his wife, and more ignorant.
(23 July 2019)

Is it incest to date my step sister?
(23 July 2019)

Is it incest to continue to have a relationship with her?
(23 July 2019)

About a week ago, I discovered that her mom was my father's wife, technically making us siblings by law.
(23 July 2019)

I don't know anything about his wives family due to me living in the USA most of the year but I recently met a woman (in the Philippines) whom I really liked and recently started dating.
(23 July 2019)

Ok, I'm in a awkward situation. 2 years ago my father moved to the philippines (from the USA) and married a woman in the Philippines.
(23 July 2019)

My girl crush got me a gift :)?
(23 July 2019)

Shes in my class, shes married with kids but she went out of her way to get me something that I couldnt find in stores.
(23 July 2019)

Written a sequel to “Strange Associations”

The co-inventor of Valium is last seen shot escaping from Sobibor. What if she survived her wounds? The story is true to that point, and also fascinating for its coincidences._ Cherri:I just found out my bf is using my relationship against his ex?(23 July 2019) Cherri:My bf is telling his ex about us to make her jealous [...]

Is Marriage a solution to Loneliness?
(23 July 2019)

Are my preferences normal?
(23 July 2019)

What does it mean if former prof asks if I have personal email?
(23 July 2019)

He said because my school email will expire after I graduate but this is not the case?
(23 July 2019)

Why does a woman get aroused sexually when a man tells her NO?
(23 July 2019)

And as she was begging more and more, I could not resist giving her the wildest orgasm of her life.
(23 July 2019)

She told me that the way I say No is so manly and with lot of vigor that she got intensely aroused.
(23 July 2019)

Few days ago, a colleague of mine begged me for sex after work.
(23 July 2019)

What is forced prostitution like for a woman?
(23 July 2019)

She had to go to different hotel rooms and have sex with different men.
(23 July 2019)

Thursday 25 July 2019

Best messaging App for Adult Friends

Dear Meelp community,We’ve had some great experiences here including “simply hanging out”. We’ve also enjoyed what many have to say and want to share, see, meet, and hear more.The following message Ap_ Jaqueline:Hi, I know this sounds stupid and cliche, but I’m having trouble figuring out if this guy I like is into me.(23 July 2019) Scott:Why [...]

Also, we held hands for most of the walk and he kept brushing the hair out of my face.
(22 July 2019)

During this walk, we talked about our lives, as well as work, and some random little things.
(22 July 2019)

About 30 minutes later, he turned to me and asked if I wanted him to walk with me to my car so I could get my hoodie.
(22 July 2019)

At some point I mentioned that I forgot my hoodie in my car and wanted to go get it eventually.
(22 July 2019)

However, a few days ago, a group of co-workers had a beach day and him and I hung around each other for most of the day, along with some mutual friends.
(22 July 2019)

He gives everyone these great hugs and stuff like that.
(22 July 2019)

He is really touchy with just about everyone he is friends with.
(22 July 2019)

So there's this guy I work with that is sending me what I think are mixed signals.
(22 July 2019)

How to feel like I'm worthy of love?
(22 July 2019)

Idk how to explain it, but I kind of feel like a fraud?
(22 July 2019)


MFM RECONNECTION It has been six years already, how time flies by…. I was 69 yrs old, and Don and I had just signed up as a couple on Meelp….Our sex life was awesome as it was, but we wanted more_ Reyna:There is this cop that came to the job for a code blue.(22 July 2019) Reyna:I [...]

She did confess when I confronted her but acts like she has NO remorse.
(22 July 2019)

What do you think of a guy with youthful face and has no facial hair?
(22 July 2019)

Should the password to your spouses phone be an issue?
(22 July 2019)

She wanted him back but he turned her down several times.
(22 July 2019)

He had a girlfriend and started perusing me a month after getting into a relationship . They were together for 8 months and then she broke up with him.
(22 July 2019)

I also keep the way we started n the back of my mind.
(22 July 2019)

Even though i am younger he is more into his device than me . We have had times in the past where i lied about dumb things but never about anything dealing with another person.
(22 July 2019)

He does other things on it too like talks to his ex watches her snap chat and IG anytime she posts.
(22 July 2019)

I am starting to feel like a joke. my partner who is 15 years older than me (im 25 he is 40) feels like i overreact because i want access to his phone . He is very protective over it and does things like Hide alerts or put it on airplane mode.
(22 July 2019)

Sat i went to a pinic with family i did not stay long. anyways someone got me mad cause i did not want a big sandwich. i could not pick?
(22 July 2019)