Monday 29 July 2019

*****Alligator Shoes*****

A blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes, but didn’t want to pay the high prices. After unsuccessfully haggling with one of the shopkeepers_ Larita:I love my kids very much but I guess I’m tired of only being a mom and wife and never having time [...]

Single, never married, no baggage, own my house, zero debt,... and I can't find anyone.
(27 July 2019)

Women always seem to want the guy they can't get (always getting looks when out helping my cousin) or they want what other women have had.
(27 July 2019)

Are having an affair again?
(27 July 2019)

Am i having an emotional affair?
(27 July 2019)

Rate looks from 1-10?
(27 July 2019)

I was extremely drunk when I cheated and not thinking.
(27 July 2019)

I plan to take casual snap shots such as a child blowing out candles on his birthday cake at a party?
(27 July 2019)

If I take any videos it would be limited to 30 seconds for my friends on Facebook or a private video on YouTube.
(27 July 2019)

It would be 1080 without any editing.
(27 July 2019)

Is there any advantage of a G7X Mark ii or other stand alone camera over a $500 smart phone?
(27 July 2019)

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